Life Force® Micro-Force™ Home Pack
For a Detailed Product Information Sheet – Click Here.
Why: A highly fertile soil can contain many thousands of species of bacteria, fungi, protozoa, beneficial nematodes and algae. This is commonly referred to as the Soil Foodweb and is the essence of Nutrition Gardening®. As part of their normal life cycle, beneficial soil microbes are able to fix atmospheric nitrogen, increase phosphorus availability, produce vitamins and hormones needed by the plants, and increase breakdown of cellulose to name a few benefits.
How: These microbes can be applied brewed or unbrewed. Brewing is preferable (using the Microbe Brewer™) as this multiplies the microbes significantly. This pack is sufficient to produce 2 x 15 L brews. Dilute the brewed concentrate at a rate of 1 L to 10 L of water and apply to soil and foliage with a watering can.
Learn about the simple 3-Step Nutrition Gardening® System. Click here.
Where: As beneficial microbes are needed throughout the garden, Micro-Force™ microbes can be applied to all vegie beds, orchard trees, undercover plants, ornamentals and indoor plants. Micro-Force™ can also be added to compost heaps.
When: Apply as part of bed preparation, then two applications, 4-6 weeks apart in both spring and autumn will encourage beneficial microbe activity. Regular fertilising with Organic SeaChange™ and Instant Humus™ will feed soil microbes.